Lee Enterprises Reports Earnings for Third Fiscal Quarter

July 20, 2006

DAVENPORT, Iowa--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 20, 2006--Lee Enterprises, Incorporated (NYSE:LEE), reported today that diluted earnings per common share were 50 cents for its third fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2006, compared with 41 cents a year ago, reflecting unusual costs in both years related to the acquisition of Pulitzer Inc. in June 2005.

Transition costs and a re-evaluation of intangible assets related to the acquisition of Pulitzer reduced diluted earnings per common share from continuing operations by 11 cents in the current year quarter. In 2005, transition costs and loss on early extinguishment of debt reduced earnings by 17 cents. Earnings in both the current and prior year reflect the impact of stock compensation expense, which Lee has been recognizing since October 2002.

Mary Junck, chairman and chief executive officer, said: "Exceptionally strong online advertising, niche product growth and an improved showing in retail allowed us to deliver another good quarter and meet earnings expectations, adjusted for some unusual events. Revenue growth continues to vary widely region by region in a still-uneven economic climate, but our audience growth advances across the board. We're driving larger online audiences while maintaining our solid circulation base, and in this past quarter 36 of our newspapers reported circulation gains. Meanwhile, a full year after the acquisition, we remain on course with Pulitzer and believe we've set the stage for future growth."

On a reported basis, which includes the addition of Pulitzer for the full quarter in the current year and one month of Pulitzer in the previous year, advertising revenue for the quarter increased 40.6 percent from a year ago to $234.4 million, with growth of 35.9 percent in retail, 36.6 percent in classified and 86.7 percent in national. Online advertising revenue increased 105.5 percent, and niche advertising rose 38.9 percent. Circulation revenue increased 36.3 percent. Total operating revenue increased 38.2 percent to $301.1 million.

On a same property (1) basis, which excludes the impact of Pulitzer and other acquisitions and divestitures made in the current or prior year, total advertising revenue for the quarter increased 1.8 percent from a year ago, with retail up 0.9 percent, classified down 0.4 percent, national down 8.0 percent and online advertising revenue up 44.3 percent. Circulation revenue increased 0.4 percent, and total operating revenue increased 1.3 percent.

Operating expenses, on a reported basis, excluding depreciation and amortization, increased 39.2 percent to $218.5 million for the quarter, also reflecting the acquisition of Pulitzer. Newsprint and ink expense increased 50.5 percent, compensation increased 32.2 percent, and other expenses increased 47.3 percent.

Same property expenses, excluding depreciation and amortization, increased 3.2 percent in the quarter, with newsprint and ink up 9.1 percent, compensation up 1.8 percent, and other operating expenses up 2.9 percent.

Operating cash flow (2) increased 35.5 percent to $82.6 million, including acquisitions and related costs. Operating income, which includes equity in earnings of associated companies and depreciation and amortization, increased 21.3 percent to $59.1 million. Non-operating expenses, which include financial expense related to Pulitzer, totaled $22.0 million, compared with $19.2 million a year ago. As a result, income before income taxes increased 25.8 percent to $37.1 million. Net income increased 21.5 percent to $22.7 million.


For the nine months ended June, diluted earnings per common share total $1.32, compared with $1.41 a year ago.

Transition costs, an early retirement program and a re-evaluation of intangible assets related to the acquisition of Pulitzer reduced diluted earnings per common share by 25 cents in the current year. In 2005, transition costs and loss on early extinguishment of debt related to Pulitzer reduced earnings by 17 cents.

On a reported basis, including acquisitions, advertising revenue for the nine months increased 58.1 percent to $682.4 million, and total operating revenue increased 54.1 percent to $879.5 million. Operating expenses, excluding depreciation and amortization, rose 59.6 percent to $660.1 million. On a same property basis, advertising revenue increased 1.6 percent, total operating revenue increased 0.8 percent, and operating expenses, excluding depreciation and amortization, increased 3.2 percent.

Operating cash flow increased 39.7 percent, to $219.5 million. Operating income rose 29.5 percent to $162.7 million. Income before income taxes decreased 5.3 percent to $96.0 million. Net income decreased 6.0 percent to $59.9 million.


The Company, based on its most recent analysis and in conjunction with its ongoing requirement to assess the estimated useful lives of intangible assets, has concluded that the period of economic benefit of certain identified intangible assets related to the Pulitzer acquisition has decreased. As a result, the weighted-average useful life of customer lists will be decreased prospectively from approximately 21 years to 17 years.

The change in estimated useful life of such assets resulted in recognition of additional amortization expense of $0.5 million in the three months ended June 30, 2006, of which $0.1 million reduced equity in earnings of associated companies. The Company expects amortization expense to increase by approximately $1.4 million in the three months ending September 2006 and $5.5 million in its fiscal year ending September 2007. This change in non-cash amortization expense has no impact on the Company's cash flows or debt covenants.

In the three months ended June 30, 2006, the Company also recorded a separate non-cash charge of $5.5 million to reduce the value of non-amortized masthead intangible assets of Pulitzer. Of that amount, $4.9 million is recorded in amortization expense and $0.6 million reduced equity in earnings of associated companies.


The following tables summarize the impact on earnings per diluted common share from unusual costs related to the Pulitzer acquisition:

                                      Three Months Ended June 30
                                        2006               2005
                                 ------------------ ------------------
(Thousands, Except EPS Data)     Amount   Per Share Amount   Per Share
                                 -------- --------- -------- ---------
Net income, as reported......... $22,717     $0.50  $18,697     $0.41

Adjustments to net income:
 Reduction of value of
   identified intangible assets.   5,526                  -
 Transition costs...............   1,677              1,439
 Loss on extinguishment of debt.       -             11,181
                                   7,203             12,620
 Income tax benefit of
  adjustments, net..............  (1,984)            (4,922)
                                   5,219      0.11    7,698      0.17
Net income, as adjusted......... $27,936     $0.61  $26,395     $0.58

                                       Nine Months Ended June 30
                                        2006               2005
                                 ------------------ ------------------
(Thousands, Except EPS Data)     Amount   Per Share Amount   Per Share
                                 -------- --------- -------- ---------
Net income, as reported......... $59,916     $1.32  $63,772     $1.41

Adjustments to net income:
 Early retirement program.......   8,654                  -
 Reduction of value of
   identified intangible assets    5,526                  -
 Transition costs...............   2,830              1,542
 Loss on extinguishment of debt.       -             11,181
                                  17,010             12,723
 Income tax benefits of
  adjustments, net..............  (5,662)            (4,939)
                                  11,348      0.25    7,784      0.17
Net income, as adjusted......... $71,264     $1.57  $71,556     $1.58

Consolidated statements of income and selected balance sheet tables follow. Expanded tables with same property comparisons, as well as revenue statistics for June, are available at www.lee.net/financial.

Lee Enterprises is a premier publisher of local news, information and advertising in primarily midsize markets, with 52 daily newspapers and a joint interest in six others, rapidly growing online sites and more than 300 weekly newspapers and specialty publications in 23 states. Lee's newspapers have circulation of 1.7 million daily and 1.9 million Sunday, reaching more than four million readers daily. Lee's online sites reach more than two million users, and Lee's weekly publications have distribution of more than 4.5 million households. Lee's newspapers include such markets as Napa, Calif.; Bloomington, Ill.; Billings, Mont.; Madison, Wis.; and St. Louis, Mo. Lee is based in Davenport, Iowa, and its stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol LEE. For more information about Lee Enterprises, please visit www.lee.net.


                                                Three Months Ended
                                                      June 30
(Thousands, Except EPS Data)                   2006      2005     %
Advertising revenue:
 Retail..................................... $122,019  $89,778  35.9 %
 National...................................   13,875    7,432   86.7
  Daily newspapers:
   Employment...............................   24,041   16,858   42.6
   Automotive...............................   15,975   12,611   26.7
   Real estate..............................   16,513   12,199   35.4
   All other................................   10,843    7,925   36.8
  Other publications........................   16,103   11,497   40.1
 Total classified...........................   83,475   61,090   36.6
 Online.....................................   10,464    5,091  105.5
 Niche publications.........................    4,608    3,318   38.9
Total advertising revenue...................  234,441  166,709   40.6
Circulation.................................   51,849   38,040   36.3
Commercial printing.........................    6,213    5,464   13.7
Online services & other.....................    8,596    7,642   12.5
Total operating revenue.....................  301,099  217,855   38.2
Operating expenses:
 Compensation...............................  112,585   85,173   32.2
 Newsprint and ink..........................   32,324   21,478   50.5
 Other operating expenses...................   71,939   48,845   47.3
 Transition costs...........................    1,677    1,439   16.5
 Early retirement program...................        -        -      -
Operating expenses,
 excluding depreciation
 and amortization...........................  218,525  156,935   39.2
Operating cash flow(2)......................   82,574   60,920   35.5
Depreciation................................    8,854    6,387   38.6
Amortization................................   19,437    9,067  114.4
Equity in earnings of
 associated companies:
  Tucson partnership........................    2,621      998  162.6
  Madison Newspapers........................    2,226    2,278   (2.3)
  Other.....................................        -        -      -
Operating income............................   59,130   48,742   21.3

Non-operating income:
 Financial income...........................    1,579    1,009   56.5
 Financial expense..........................  (23,567)  (9,044) 160.6
 Loss on early..............................
  extinguishment of debt.                           -  (11,181)    NM
 Other, net.................................        -        7     NM
                                              (21,988) (19,209)  14.5
Income before
 income taxes...............................   37,142   29,533   25.8
Income tax expense..........................   14,056   10,691   31.5
Minority interest...........................      369      145     NM
Net income..................................  $22,717  $18,697  21.5 %
Earnings per common share:
 Basic......................................    $0.50    $0.41  22.0 %
 Diluted....................................     0.50     0.41   22.0
Average common shares:
 Basic......................................   45,488   45,156
 Diluted....................................   45,602   45,374

                                               Nine Months Ended
                                                    June 30
(Thousands, Except EPS Data)               2006       2005       %
Advertising revenue:
 Retail................................. $365,489   $241,882    51.1 %
 National...............................   45,687     19,689    132.0
  Daily newspapers:
   Employment...........................   66,984     39,942     67.7
   Automotive...........................   44,790     31,707     41.3
   Real estate..........................   46,817     30,174     55.2
   All other............................   29,237     19,073     53.3
  Other publications....................   44,335     28,225     57.1
 Total classified.......................  232,163    149,121     55.7
 Online.................................   26,433     11,667    126.6
 Niche publications.....................   12,662      9,251     36.9
Total advertising revenue...............  682,434    431,610     58.1
Circulation.............................  154,790    102,298     51.3
Commercial printing.....................   17,865     15,971     11.9
Online services & other.................   24,418     20,755     17.6
Total operating revenue.................  879,507    570,634     54.1
Operating expenses:
 Compensation...........................  341,209    227,856     49.7
 Newsprint and ink......................   93,716     54,371     72.4
 Other operating expenses...............  213,646    129,767     64.6
 Transition costs.......................    2,830      1,542     83.5
 Early retirement program...............    8,654          -       NM
Operating expenses,
 excluding depreciation
 and amortization.......................  660,055    413,536     59.6
Operating cash flow(2)..................  219,452    157,098     39.7
Depreciation............................   25,450     16,497     54.3
Amortization............................   47,421     22,037    115.2
Equity in earnings of
 associated companies:
  Tucson partnership....................   10,309        998    933.0
  Madison Newspapers....................    5,858      6,539    (10.4)
  Other.................................        -       (381)     NM
Operating income........................  162,748    125,720     29.5

Non-operating income:
 Financial income.......................    4,545      1,476    207.9
 Financial expense......................  (71,298)   (14,630)   387.3
 Loss on early..........................
  extinguishment of debt.                       -    (11,181)     NM
 Other, net.............................        -        (58)     NM
                                          (66,753) (24,393)     173.7
Income before
 income taxes...........................   95,995    101,327     (5.3)
Income tax expense......................   35,187     37,410     (5.9)
Minority interest.......................      892        145       NM
Net income..............................  $59,916    $63,772    (6.0)%
Earnings per common share:
 Basic..................................    $1.32      $1.41    (6.4)%
 Diluted................................     1.32       1.41     (6.4)
Average common shares:
 Basic..................................   45,380     45,090
 Diluted................................   45,509     45,311

                                                June 30
(Thousands)                              2006              2005
Cash..............................           $11,288          $50,529
Restricted cash and investments...            92,310           77,310
Debt (principal amount)...........         1,581,000        1,758,000


(1) Same property comparisons exclude acquisitions and divestitures
    made in the current and prior year. Same property revenue also
    excludes revenue of Madison Newspapers, Inc., in which Lee owns a
    50% share. It is reported using the equity method of accounting.
    Same property comparisons also exclude corporate office costs.

(2) Operating cash flow, which is defined as operating income before
    depreciation, amortization and equity in earnings of associated
    companies, is a non-GAAP financial measure. A reconciliation of
    operating cash flow to operating income, the most directly
    comparable measure under accounting principles generally accepted
    in the United States (GAAP), is reflected in the tables
    accompanying this release.

(3) Certain amounts as previously reported have been reclassified to
    conform with the current period presentation. The prior period has
    been restated for comparative purposes, and the reclassifications
    have no impact on earnings.

(4) The Company disclaims responsibility for updating information
    beyond the release date.

The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a "Safe Harbor" for forward-looking statements. This release contains information that may be deemed forward-looking and that is based largely on the Company's current expectations and is subject to certain risks, trends and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. Among such risks, trends and other uncertainties are changes in advertising demand, newsprint prices, energy costs, interest rates, labor costs, legislative and regulatory rulings and other results of operations or financial conditions, difficulties in integration of acquired businesses or maintaining employee and customer relationships and increased capital and other costs. The words "may," "will," "would," "could," "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "projects," "considers" and similar expressions generally identify forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements, which are made as of the date of this release. The Company does not publicly undertake to update or revise its forward-looking statements.

Lee Enterprises, Incorporated
Dan Hayes, 563-383-2100

Lee Enterprises, Incorporated