Lee Enterprises Decides against Reverse Stock Split
“Despite recent volatility in Lee’s share price, owing in part to index rebalancing, we believe our long-term prospects remain strong and will become apparent to more investors as the recession begins to recede,” Junck said. “We believe our recent debt refinancing has given us ample flexibility to manage through the downturn.”
She added: “Our newspapers and their websites continue to reach, by far, the vast majority of adults in our markets, with growing strength across all age groups. We remain, hands down, the leading provider of local news, information and advertising in our markets. As the recession drags on, we are staying focused on building further on these strengths and increasing our lion’s share of local advertising spending.”
FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS — The Private Securities Litigation Reform
Act of 1995 provides a “safe harbor” for forward-looking statements.
This release contains information that may be deemed forward-looking,
that is based largely on the Company’s current expectations, and is
subject to certain risks, trends and uncertainties that could cause
actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. Among such
risks, trends and other uncertainties, which in some instances are
beyond its control, are the Company’s ability to generate cash flows and
maintain liquidity sufficient to service its debt, and comply with or
obtain amendments or waivers of the financial covenants contained in its
credit facilities, if necessary. Other risks and uncertainties include
the impact of continuing adverse economic conditions, potential changes
in advertising demand, newsprint and other commodity prices, energy
costs, interest rates and the availability of credit due to instability
in the credit markets, labor costs, legislative and regulatory rulings
and other results of operations or financial conditions, difficulties in
maintaining employee and customer relationships, increased capital and
other costs, competition and other risks detailed from time to time in
the Company’s publicly filed documents, including the Company Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
Lee Enterprises
Dan Hayes, 563-383-2100