WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

                                 FORM 10-Q
[x]          Quarterly Report Under Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                      Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                      For Quarter Ended June 30, 1995
[ ]      Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                      Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                       Commission File Number 1-6227

                       Lee Enterprises, Incorporated

A Delaware Corporation                                    I.D. #42-0823980
215 N. Main Street, Davenport, Iowa  52801
Phone:  (319) 383-2100

       Indicate by a check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all
reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter
period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has
been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes [X] 
No [ ]

       Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's
classes of common stock, as of the latest practical date.

           Class                              Outstanding at June 30, 1995

Common Stock, $2.00 par value                           17,178,566        
Class "B" Common Stock, $2.00 par value                  6,595,965        

                      PART I.  FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1.
                       LEE ENTERPRISES, INCORPORATED

                   (In Thousands Except Per Share Data)

                                   Three Months          Nine Months
                                  Ended June 30,        Ended June 30,   
                                  1995       1994       1995       1994  

  Operating revenue:
      Advertising               $ 42,740   $ 35,027   $112,403   $100,229
      Circulation                 19,427     16,585     53,372     49,433
      Other                       12,383     10,233     36,278     29,594
    Broadcasting                  25,061     23,179     76,129     67,006
    Media products and services   15,785     15,439     44,297     46,511
    Equity in net income of     
      associated companies         1,710      2,559      6,356      7,259
                                $117,106   $103,022   $328,835   $300,032
  Operating expenses:
    Compensation costs          $ 38,107   $ 34,657   $110,091   $103,266
    Newsprint and ink              8,567      6,113     21,710     16,828
    Depreciation                   3,270      2,692      9,090      8,024
    Amortization of intangibles    3,553      3,130      9,578      9,463
    Other                         34,125     30,147     99,449     91,675
                                $ 87,622   $ 76,739   $249,918   $229,256

          Operating income      $ 29,484   $ 26,283   $ 78,917   $ 70,776

  Financial (income) expense, 
    Financial (income)          $   (901)  $   (760)  $ (2,334)  $ (2,009)
    Financial expense              2,917      3,219      8,837     10,314
                                $  2,016   $  2,459   $  6,503   $  8,305

          Income before taxes   
            on income           $ 27,468   $ 23,824   $ 72,414   $ 62,471

  Income taxes                    11,033      9,457     28,037     25,223
          Net income            $ 16,435   $ 14,367   $ 44,377   $ 37,248

  Weighted average number of 
    shares                        24,182     23,413     23,238     23,445

  Earnings per share            $    .68   $    .61   $   1.91   $   1.59

  Dividends per share           $    .22   $    .21   $    .66   $    .63

                       LEE ENTERPRISES, INCORPORATED

                              (In Thousands)

                                              June 30,   September 30,
                                                1995         1994     


Cash and cash equivalents                     $ 56,513     $ 18,784
Temporary investments                              200       38,859
Accounts receivable, net                        55,447       48,339
Inventories                                     13,289       13,147
Film rights and other                           12,208       16,578
          Total current assets                $137,657     $135,707
Investments, associated companies             $ 10,629     $ 21,969
Property and equipment, net                     93,488       82,164
Intangibles and other assets                   285,164      234,861
                                              $526,938     $474,701
Current liabilities                           $129,244     $ 99,730
Long-term debt, less current maturities         52,842       98,641
Deferred items                                  38,747       34,400
Stockholders' equity                           306,105      241,930
                                              $526,938     $474,701

                       LEE ENTERPRISES, INCORPORATED

                              (In Thousands)

                                                      1995        1994  
Nine Months Ended June 30:

    Net income                                      $ 44,377    $ 37,248
    Adjustments to reconcile net income to net
      cash provided by operations:
      Depreciation and amortization                   18,668      17,487
      Distributions in excess of 
        earnings of associated companies               1,769         785
      Other balance sheet changes                     (1,725)      8,671
          Net cash provided by operations           $ 63,089    $ 64,191

    Acquisitions                                    $  7,144    $ (4,083)
    Purchase of temporary investments                   (200)   (102,003)
    Proceeds from maturities of temporary
      investments                                     38,859     100,728
    Purchase of property and equipment               (10,643)    (11,953)
          Net cash provided by (required for) 
            investing activities                    $ 35,160    $(17,311)

    Purchase of common stock                        $(26,450)   $ (2,118)
    Cash dividends paid                               (9,827)     (9,688)
    Payment of debt                                  (25,000)    (27,267)
    Other, primarily stock options exercised             757       2,192
          Net cash (required for) financing
            activities                              $(60,520)   $(36,881)

          Net increase in cash and cash 
            equivalents                             $ 37,729    $  9,999

  Cash and cash equivalents:
    Beginning                                         18,784      17,072

    Ending                                          $ 56,513    $ 27,071

                       LEE ENTERPRISES, INCORPORATED



        The information furnished reflects all adjustments, consisting of
        normal recurring accruals, which are, in the opinion of
        management, necessary to a fair presentation of the financial
        position as of June 30, 1995 and the results of operations for the
        three and nine month periods ended June 30, 1995 and 1994 and cash
        flows for the nine month periods ended June 30, 1995 and 1994.


        Condensed operating results of unconsolidated associated companies
        are as follows:

                                    Three Months Ended  Nine Months Ended
                                          June 30,           June 30,     
                                      1995      1994      1995      1994  
                                             (In Thousands)

          Revenues                  $ 17,427  $ 24,759  $ 68,110  $ 73,500
          Operating expenses, 
            except depreciation 
            and amortization          11,502    16,236    46,276    49,405
          Depreciation and 
            amortization                 444       428     1,708     1,352
          Operating income             5,481     8,095    20,126    22,743
          Financial income               312       438     1,212     1,323
          Income before income 
            taxes                      5,793     8,533    21,338    24,066
          Income taxes                 2,339     3,406     8,579     9,538
          Net income                   3,454     5,127    12,759    14,528

        a.  Madison Newspaper, Inc. (50% owned)
        b.  Journal-Star Printing Co. (49.75% owned until March 31, 1995)
        c.  Quality Information Systems (50% owned)


        Inventories consist of the following:

                                              June 30,    September 30,
                                               1995           1994     
                                                 (In Thousands)

          Newsprint                           $  2,821     $  2,343
          Media products and services:
            Raw material                         5,765        5,684
            Finished goods                       4,703        5,120
                                              $ 13,289     $ 13,147

                       LEE ENTERPRISES, INCORPORATED



        The components of other balance sheet changes are:

                                                      Nine Months Ended
                                                          June 30,      
                                                      1995        1994  
                                                       (In Thousands)

          (Increase) in receivables                 $ (6,128)   $ (4,623)
          (Increase) in inventories, film
            rights and other                            (428)       (406)
          Increase in accounts payable, 
            accrued expenses and unearned income       4,877       9,098
          Increase in income taxes payable               277       4,661
          Other, primarily deferred items               (323)        (59)
                                                    $ (1,725)   $  8,671

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
         Results of Operations

Operating results:

                           Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
                                June 30,              June 30,     
                            1995       1994       1995       1994  
                           (Dollar Amounts in Thousands Except For
                                       Per Share Data)


  Revenue                 $117,106   $103,022   $328,835   $300,032
    Percent change           13.7%                  9.6%       

  Operating expenses        87,622     76,739    249,918    229,256
    Percent change           14.2%                  9.0%       

  Operating income          29,484     26,283     78,917     70,776
    Percent change           12.2%                 11.5%      

  Net income                16,435     14,367     44,337     37,248
    Percent change           14.4%                 19.1%      

  Earnings per share      $    .68   $    .61   $   1.91   $   1.59
    Percent change           11.5%                 20.1%      

As if acquisition of Journal-Star Printing Co. had occurred on October 1,


  Revenue                 $117,106   $109,776   $342,937   $319,802
    Percent change            6.7%                  7.2%
  Operating expenses        87,622     82,377    260,725    246,240
    Percent change            6.4%                  5.9%

  Operating income          29,484     27,399     82,212     73,562
    Percent change            7.6%                 11.8%

  Net income                16,435     15,084     46,405     39,040
    Percent change            9.0%                 18.9%

  Earnings per share      $    .68   $    .60   $   1.91   $   1.56
    Percent change           13.3%                 22.4%

Operations by line of business are as follows:

                           Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
                                June 30,             June 30,      
                            1995       1994       1995       1994  
                                        (In Thousands)

    Newspapers            $ 76,274   $ 64,398   $208,452   $186,398
    Broadcasting            25,061     23,179     76,129     67,006
    Media products and    
      services              15,771     15,445     44,254     46,628
                          $117,106   $103,022   $328,835   $300,032

  Operating income:
    Newspapers            $ 21,666   $ 19,672   $ 58,164   $ 55,940
    Broadcasting             7,259      6,207     23,268     16,639
    Media products and 
      services               3,916      3,694      7,994      9,531
    Corporate and other     (3,357)    (3,290)   (10,509)   (11,334)
                          $ 29,484   $ 26,283   $ 78,917   $ 70,776

                           Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
                                June 30,             June 30,      
                            1995       1994       1995       1994  
                                        (In Thousands)
  Depreciation and 
    Newspapers            $  3,572   $  2,787   $  9,094   $  8,109
    Broadcasting             1,994      1,786      5,788      5,558
    Media products and    
      services               1,122      1,117      3,391      3,446
    Corporate                  135        132        395        374
                          $  6,823   $  5,822   $ 18,668   $ 17,487

  Capital expenditures:
    Newspaper             $  2,183   $  2,554   $  5,268   $  8,669
    Broadcasting             1,870        746      5,066      2,983
    Media products and 
      services                  15         33         61        167
    Corporate                   11         20        248        134
                          $  4,079   $  3,353   $ 10,643   $ 11,953

There were no significant non-recurring items during the quarter ended 
June 30, 1995.

On March 31, 1995, the Company acquired the 50.25% interest in Journal-
Star Printing Co. ("JSPC") not previously owned, making JSPC a wholly-
owned subsidiary.  In exchange the Company issued 1,646,643 shares of the
Company's common stock and the transaction was accounted for as a
purchase.  The 49.75% interest previously owned by the Company is
accounted for by the equity method through March 31, 1995.  

As a result of the acquisition, deferred income taxes related to the
undistributed income of the 49.75% interest in JSPC were recognized as a
reduction of income tax expense and certain contract terminations,
relocation or reorganization payments related to the 49.75% ownership
interest were recognized as expense as of March 31, 1995.  Without these
one-time costs, operating income would have been $80,150,000 as compared
to $70,776,000 in 1994, an increase of 13.2%.  As a result of the $838,000
tax benefit, the total effect of these transactions was not significant to
net income for the nine month period ended June 30, 1995.

On March 31, 1995, the Company also purchased the assets of KREZ-TV, a CBS
affiliate in Durango, Colorado, for $1,750,000.  The station will be
operated as a satellite station of KRQE-TV in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

                        QUARTER ENDED JUNE 30, 1995


  All comparisons are in a proforma basis as if the JSPC acquisition had
  been effective October 1, 1993.  Wholly-owned daily newspaper
  advertising revenue increased $1,843,000, 4.5%.  Advertising revenue
  from local merchants increased $734,000, 3.1%.  Local "run-of-press"
  advertising increased $115,000 as a result of higher average rates which
  offset a 2.5% decrease in advertising inches.  Local preprint units were
  up 9.7% while revenue increased $619,000, 8.5%.  Classified advertising
  revenue grew by $839,000, 6.6% primarily as a result of higher average

  Circulation revenue increased $857,000, 4.6% as a result of higher rates
  which offset an .8% decrease in volume.

  Other revenue increased $2,487,000, 25.1%.  Higher editorial fees from
  an associated newspaper company contributed $322,000, 21.0%.  Commercial
  printing, target marketing and other new media products revenues
  increased $1,138,000, 29.5%.  Revenues from weekly newspapers, shoppers
  and specialty publications increased $1,027,000, 22.8%.  Of the 22.8%
  increase, 11.8% relates to properties acquired since the beginning of
  the first quarter of the last fiscal year.

  Compensation expense increased $1,203,000, 5.1% due primarily to
  increases in average compensation.  Newsprint and ink costs increased
  $1,387,000, 19.3%.  A 20.6% increase in average unit costs was partially
  offset by conservation efforts.

  A 3.1% increase in newsprint used for commercial printing was more than
  offset by reduced newspaper consumption for a net decrease of 1.3%. 
  Other costs increased $851,000, 5.2%.


  Revenue for the quarter increased $1,882,000, 8.1%, primarily due to
  growth in the Albuquerque, Huntington and Portland markets.  Increases
  in network compensation accounted for approximately 30% of the revenue
  increase.  Strong advertising demand offset the loss of approximately
  $700,000 of political advertising revenue last year.  Compensation costs
  increased $309,000, 3.6%.  Film amortization for the quarter declined
  $226,000 primarily due to lower programming costs.  Other cash costs
  increased $642,000, 13.7% due to increases in consulting and contract
  labor expenses.

Media Products and Services:

  Revenue increased $346,000 and operating income increased $180,000,
  respectively, which came in large part from operations of NAPP Systems
  Inc.  Higher flexographic plate and equipment sales, along with higher
  average selling prices for letterpress plates, more than offset reduced
  letterpress plate volume.

Equity in Net Income of Associated Companies:

  Equity in net income of associated companies decreased $849,000 as
  operations of JSPC are now consolidated with operations of the Company. 
Financial Expenses and Income Taxes:

  Interest expense was reduced due to payments on long-term debt.

  Income taxes were 40.2% of pretax income for the quarter ended June 30,
  1995 and 39.7% of pretax income in the quarter ended June 30, 1994.  

                      NINE MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 1995


  All comparisons are in a proforma basis as if the JSPC acquisition had
  been effective October 1, 1993.  Wholly-owned daily newspaper
  advertising revenue increased $6,832,000, 5.8%.  Advertising revenue
  from local merchants increased $3,244,000, 4.6%.  Local "run-of-press"
  advertising increased $1,428,000, 2.9%.  Higher average rates were
  realized and advertising inches were flat.  Local preprint units were up
  8.0% while revenue increased $1,816,000, 8.7%.  Classified advertising
  revenue increased $3,401,000, 10.1% as a result of a 3.5% increase in
  units and higher average rates.

  Circulation revenue increased $2,107,000, 3.8% as a result of higher
  rates which offset a .7% decrease in volume.

  Other revenue increased $7,563,000, 26.5%.  Editorial fees from
  associated newspaper companies increased $793,000, 16.1%.  Commercial
  printing, target marketing and other new media products increased
  $3,514,000, 31.5%.  Revenues from weekly newspapers, shoppers and
  specialty publications increased $3,256,000, 26.1%.  Of the 26.1%
  increase, 17.6% came from properties acquired since the beginning of the
  first quarter of the last fiscal year.

  Compensation expense increased $4,133,000, 6.0% due to an increase in
  average compensation and a 2.1% increase in the number of hours worked. 
  Newsprint and ink costs increased $3,696,000, 18.3%, as higher prices
  accounted for 17.3% of the increase, with the balance due to an increase
  in newsprint used for commercial printing.  Other costs increased
  $4,291,000, 8.9% which includes the effect of the other commercial
  printing costs and the development costs of new products.


  Revenue for the nine months increased $9,123,000, 13.6% due to growth in
  local and national advertising and a $3,837,000 increase in political
  advertising in the first quarter.  Compensation costs increased
  $1,134,000, 4.4% due to high average compensation costs and a 3.8%
  increase in the number of hours worked reflecting expanded news
  commitments.  Programming costs declined $465,000, 9.1% due to lower
  program acquisition costs.  Other costs increased $1,595,000, 11.3% for
  the nine month period due primarily to increases in sales and audience
  promotion and consulting and contract labor expenses.

Media Products and Services:

  Media products and services revenue decreased $2,214,000, as decreased
  unit volume from NAPP's letterpress plate business was only partially
  offset by higher selling prices and growth in the flexographic printing
  plate business.  Letterpress customers reduced inventory levels and
  several customers completed conversion to offset or flexographic
  printing.  Revenue from the letterpress business is expected to decrease
  each year as conversions continue.  Operating income decreased
  $1,564,000, due to lower sales levels.

Equity in Net Income of Associated Companies:

  Equity in net income of associated companies decreased $903,000.  As
  operations of JSPC have been consolidated with operations of the Company
  since March 31, 1995.

Financial Expense and Income Taxes:

  Interest expense was reduced due to payments on long-term debt.

  Income taxes were 38.7% of pretax income for the nine months ended 
  June 30, 1995 and 40.4% of pretax income in the nine months ended 
  June 30, 1994.  The elimination of JSPC deferred income taxes discussed
  above decreased the 1995 effective tax rate by 1.2%.

Liquidity and capital resources:

  Cash provided by operations, which is the Company's primary source of
  liquidity, generated $63,089,000 for the nine months ended June 30,
  1995.  Available cash balances and cash flow from operations provide
  adequate liquidity.  Up to $50,000,000 in bank borrowings will be
  utilized to pay a portion of the $48,750,000 purchase price of NBC
  affiliates KSNW-TV and KSNT-TV in Wichita and Topeka, Kansas,
  respectively, to continue the Company's annual stock repurchase program,
  and to prepay $20,000,000 of long-term debt due on January 15, 1997. 
  The acquisition is anticipated to close on or before August 23, 1995
  following regulatory approval.  The covenants related to the Cmpany's
  credit agreements are not considered restrictive to operations and
  anticipated stockholder dividends.

                       LEE ENTERPRISES, INCORPORATED

                        PART II.  OTHER INFORMATION

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

  (a) Exhibits:

      Exhibit 11 - Computation of Earnings Per Share

  (b) Reports on Form 8-K filed during the quarter for which this report
      is filed are as follows:

                                     Statements              Date of
      Items Reported                   Filed                  Report  

      Acquisition of 50.25% of
        Journal-Star Printing Co.    See Below             May 8, 1995

      (1)  Financial statements of the business acquired:  Journal Star
Printing Co.

Financial statements and independent
auditors' report on the financial
statements of Journal-Star Printing Co.
as of September 30, 1994 and for the
year then ended.

Unaudited financial statements of Journal-Star
Printing Co. as of March 31, 1995 and for the 
six months ended March 31, 1994 and 1995.

      (2)  Proforma financial information of Lee Enterprises, Incorporated
and subsidiaires.

Unaudited proforma consolidated 
statements of income for the year ended
September 30, 1994 and for the six months
ended March 31, 1994 and 1995.


    Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by
the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                         LEE ENTERPRISES, INCORPORATED

DATE  7/28/95                            /s/ G. C. Wahlig              
                                         G. C. Wahlig, Chief Accounting


                          PART I.  EXHIBIT 11

               Computation of Earnings Per Common Share
                (In Thousands Except Per Share Amounts)

                        Three Months Ended    Nine Months Ended
                             June 30,              June 30,      
                          1995       1994       1995       1994  

Net income applicable 
  to common shares      $ 16,435   $ 14,367   $ 44,377   $ 37,248

  Weighted average 
    common shares 
    outstanding           23,807     23,129     22,902     23,112
  Dilutive effect of
    certain stock 
    options                  375        284        336        333
  Average common 
    shares outstanding 
    as adjusted           24,182     23,413     23,238     23,445

Earnings per common 
  share                 $    .68   $    .61   $   1.91   $   1.59



5 THIS SCHEDULE CONTAINS SUMMARY FINANCIAL INFORMATION EXTRACTED FOR THE LEE ENTERPRISES JUNE 30, 1995 10-Q AND IS QUALIFIED IN ITS ENTIRETY BY REFERENCE TO SUCH FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. 1,000 9-MOS SEP-30-1995 JUN-30-1995 56,713 0 60,447 5,000 13,289 137,657 239,253 145,765 526,908 129,244 52,842 47,547 0 0 258,558 526,908 322,479 328,835 0 0 249,918 0 8,837 72,414 28,037 44,377 0 0 0 44,377 1.91 1.91