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Document And Entity Information
Financial Statements
Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss) and Comprehensive Income (Loss)
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Consolidated Balance Sheets (Parentheticals)
Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Notes to Financial Statements
Note 1 - Significant Accounting Policies
Note 2 - Acquisitions
Note 3 - Revenue
Note 4 - Investments in Associated Companies
Note 5 - Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets
Note 6 - Debt
Note 7 - Leases
Note 8 - Pension Plans
Note 9 - Postretirement and Postemployment Benefits
Note 10 - Other Retirement Plans
Note 11 - Common Stock and Class B Common Stock
Note 12 - Stock Ownership Plans
Note 13 - Income Taxes
Note 14 - Fair Value of Financial Instruments
Note 15 - Earnings Per Common Share
Note 16 - Allowance for Credit Losses
Note 17 - Other Information
Note 18 - Commitments and Contingent Liabilities
Accounting Policies
Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Note 1 - Significant Accounting Policies (Tables)
Note 2 - Acquisitions (Tables)
Note 3 - Revenue (Tables)
Note 4 - Investments in Associated Companies (Tables)
Note 5 - Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets (Tables)
Note 7 - Leases (Tables)
Note 8 - Pension Plans (Tables)
Note 9 - Postretirement and Postemployment Benefits (Tables)
Note 10 - Other Retirement Plans (Tables)
Note 12 - Stock Ownership Plans (Tables)
Note 13 - Income Taxes (Tables)
Note 14 - Fair Value of Financial Instruments (Tables)
Note 15 - Earnings Per Common Share (Tables)
Note 16 - Allowance for Credit Losses (Tables)
Note 17 - Other Information (Tables)
Notes Details
Note 1 - Significant Accounting Policies (Details Textual)
Note 1 - Significant Accounting Policies - Components of Inventory (Details)
Note 1 - Significant Accounting Policies - Estimated Useful Lives of Property and Equipment (Details)
Note 1 - Significant Accounting Policies - Intangible Assets Amortization Period (Details)
Note 2 - Acquisitions (Details Textual)
Note 2 - Acquisitions - Preliminary Determination of Fair Values of Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Note 2 - Acquisitions - Pro Forma Information (Details)
Note 3 - Revenue (Details Textual)
Note 3 - Revenue - Disaggregation of Revenue (Details)
Note 4 - Investments in Associated Companies (Details Textual)
Note 4 - Investments in Associated Companies - Summarized Financial Information (Details)
Note 4 - Investments in Associated Companies - Summarized Financial Information (Details) (Parentheticals)
Note 5 - Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets (Details Textual)
Note 5 - Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets - Changes in the Carrying Amount of Goodwill (Details)
Note 5 - Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets - Identified Intangible Assets (Details)
Note 5 - Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets - Pretax Impairment Charges (Details)
Note 6 - Debt (Details Textual)
Note 7 - Leases (Details Textual)
Note 7 - Leases - Lease Expense (Details)
Note 7 - Leases - Maturities of Lease Liabilities (Details)
Note 8 - Pension Plans (Details Textual)
Note 8 - Pension Plans - Net Periodic Cost (Benefit) (Details)
Note 8 - Pension Plans - Benefit Obligations and Plan Assets (Details)
Note 8 - Pension Plans - Amounts Recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheets (Details)
Note 8 - Pension Plans - Amounts Recognized in Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) (Details)
Note 8 - Pension Plans - Assumptions (Details)
Note 8 - Pension Plans - Allocation of Benefit Plan Assets (Details)
Note 8 - Pension Plans - Fair Value Hierarchy of Benefit Plan Assets (Details)
Note 8 - Pension Plans - The Activity Within Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) (Details)
Note 8 - Pension Plans - Future Benefit Payments (Details)
Note 9 - Postretirement and Postemployment Benefits (Details Textual)
Note 9 - Postretirement and Postemployment Benefits - Net Period Postretirement Cost (Benefit) Components for Postretirement Plans (Details)
Note 9 - Postretirement and Postemployment Benefits - Benefit Obligations and Plan Assets (Details)
Note 9 - Postretirement and Postemployment Benefits - Amounts Recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheets (Details)
Note 9 - Postretirement and Postemployment Benefits - Amounts Recognized in Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) (Details)
Note 9 - Postretirement and Postemployment Benefits - Assumptions (Details)
Note 9 - Postretirement and Postemployment Benefits - Assumed Health Care Cost Trend Rates (Details)
Note 9 - Postretirement and Postemployment Benefits - Allocation of Benefit Plan Assets (Details)
Note 9 - Postretirement and Postemployment Benefits - Fair Value Hierarchy of Benefit Plan Assets (Details)
Note 9 - Postretirement and Postemployment Benefits - Future Benefit Payments (Details)
Note 10 - Other Retirement Plans (Details Textual)
Note 10 - Other Retirement Plans - Other Retirement Plans (Details)
Note 11 - Common Stock and Class B Common Stock (Details Textual)
Note 12 - Stock Ownership Plans (Details Textual)
Note 12 - Stock Ownership Plans - Stock Option Activities (Details)
Note 12 - Stock Ownership Plans - Weighted Average Prices of Stock Options (Details)
Note 12 - Stock Ownership Plans - Summary of Stock Options Outstanding (Details)
Note 12 - Stock Ownership Plans - Summary of Restricted Stock Activity (Details)
Note 13 - Income Taxes (Details Textual)
Note 13 - Income Taxes - Income Tax Expense (Benefit) (Details)
Note 13 - Income Taxes - Income Tax Expense (Benefit) Related to Continuing Operations (Details)
Note 13 - Income Taxes - Deferred Income Tax Liabilities (Details)
Note 13 - Income Taxes - Gross Unrecognized Tax Benefits (Details)
Note 14 - Fair Value of Financial Instruments (Details Textual)
Note 14 - Fair Value of Financial Instruments - Estimate Fair Value of Financial Instruments (Details)
Note 15 - Earnings Per Common Share (Details Textual)
Note 15 - Earnings Per Common Share - Computation of Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Common Share (Details)
Note 16 - Allowance for Credit Losses - Valuation and Qualifying Account Information (Details)
Note 17 - Other Information - Compensation and Other Accrued Liabilities (Details)
Note 17 - Other Information - Supplemental Cash Payment (Details)
Note 18 - Commitments and Contingent Liabilities (Details Textual)
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